Nagios Enterprise Monitoring Server
for Khadas VIM3

NEMS Linux is free to download and use. Please consider supporting the project by becoming a patron, shopping through our affiliate links, or directly donating.

Supported Devices:

  • VIM3 Pro
  • VIM3 Basic

Minimum SD Card Size: 16 GB

Recommended SD Card Size: 32 GB

Important Note: If you intend to run NEMS Linux on the integrated eMMC storage, consider the VIM3 Pro since it meets the recommended storage capacity.

How to Install and Boot

The boot process on a Khadas board is different than other single board computers you may have encountered in the past. Follow these easy steps to ensure you're up and running quickly.

Boot from microSD/USB: Flash NEMS Linux to your microSD card or USB flash media and insert into your VIM3. Power on. Immediately press and hold the power button. Quick-press and release the reset button while still holding the power button. Wait 3 seconds, and then release the power button. You have now switched your VIM3 to boot from external media rather than the integrated eMMC.

Install NEMS Linux on the Integrated eMMC: Follow the directions above to boot from your microSD card or USB flash media. Once booted, wait for around 10-15 minutes to give your deployment time for first-boot operations to complete. SSH to your NEMS Linux server (or open Cockpit terminal in your browser) and type: sudo nems-install - Once complete, type sudo halt and then disconnect the power and remove your media. Power on to boot from eMMC.

Buy The Hardware

Using the NEMS Linux image, you simply buy the device, download the image file (below), “burn” the image to a Micro SD card, and boot it up.

Visit the NEMS Certified Hardware page to buy your device, complete with the Micro SD card, a power adapter, a good solid case, and more.

Please buy it through our links, or let me know if you need a customized link to a different model. We get a small percentage of the sale, and it helps to make it possible to offer NEMS as a free download.

Download NEMS Linux for Khadas SBCs

Psst! NEMS Linux is a boatload of work, and I create it in my free time. If you appreciate the nights of cuddles my wife lost, please help me treat her to a very nice romantic dinner by throwing something in the tip jar.

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